Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Development of a methodology for assessing the development of urban agglomerations and calculating the level of their development. Discussion: The article presents the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the diagnosis of the regional economic area, explores the existing methodological and methodological approaches to assess the development of urban agglomerations. The development of the territory is assessed by indicators of the population settlement system and transport accessibility of the satellite zone to the core of the agglomeration. But since the object of our study is agglomeration formed in a territory with a diverse economic structure and a complex spatial and demographic characteristic, the above set of indicators for assessing the level of development is not enough. Results: A technique is proposed that determines the sequence of actions in the formation of urban agglomerations. The level of development of the urban agglomeration is analyzed. Indicators are proposed for assessing the level of agglomeration development, which were applied on the materials of the Barnaul agglomeration. In the subregion we are considering, the urbanized type of territorial and economic structure dominates. However, the inclusion of rural municipalities in the agglomeration changes the type of urban agglomeration to industrial-agriculture agglomeration.

urban agglomeration, Barnaul agglomeration, economic area, agglomeration processes, development of territories, estimation methodology

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