Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The joint-stock company is a participant in the primary stock market, primarily as an issuer of shares and bonds. However, in the event of the repurchase of its shares, the joint-stock company may also act as a specific participant in the secondary market. When buying its own shares, the joint-stock company is turning into a specific type of investor and speculator in the stock market, and the shares it purchases form a redemption issue portfolio that requires proper management, as well as an investment portfolio. Share repurchases may have economic, “technical” and even political and social reasons. Repurchased shares may relate to a group of treasury shares or a group of quasi-treasury shares. The existence of quasi-treasury shares means that there is an opportunity in which it is not external shareholders who control the joint-stock company but the company's top management, which is no longer under the control of the shareholder group.
stock, treasury stock, quasi-treasury stock, joint stock company, issuer, subsidiary, repurchase, registered capital, equity portfolio, investment portfolio
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