Russian Federation
The main goal of this work is to develop effective forms of financing for cultural industries. Information and methodological elements were formed. ensuring the process of logistics of the cultural services system. As a result, there is an objective need for system monitoring of the database of cultural industry organizations and innovative use of modern information technologies in solving complex economic problems to justify optimal solutions with a variety of alternative options.According to the author's classification of cultural services into passive and active, it is possible to distinguish two ways in the development of basic technologies and in the cultural industry. Mechanisms of innovative interaction of cultural institutions with business and government structures can be divided into several types: project financing (support for certain projects); social innovation and investment (support coincides with certain business strategies); donation interaction with business on a philanthropic basis; investment exchanges for cultural, art and creative projects; service contract (life cycle contract); fundraising for scientific (educational) and cultural services; concessions in the cultural industry; business incubators as a multiplier-accelerator for the culture industry (support for the system of cultural services at an early stage) , etc. The development and application of cross-industry information and communication technologies gives the largest volume of production of cultural services with a low cost, due to the scale of production.
cultural industry, financing, information and analytical database, supra-industry technologies, technology convergence
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