Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to determining the role and place of logistics providers in managing international supply chains, analyzing their classifications and transforming business models in supply chains in the context of active e-Commerce development, as well as identifying specific features of system and virtual integrators of supply chains that can significantly increase the level of logistics service. Active use of e-Commerce leads to a significant reduction in response times to demand and encourages supply chain managers to constantly search for new solutions and innovative technologies that enable companies involved in the logistics chain to effectively interact with each other and jointly respond to changing consumer demands. In some cases, we are talking about creating new approaches and replacing existing technologies aimed at achieving the set results in terms of speed and flexibility in choosing options to meet consumer demand. Thus, the analysis allows us to state that logistics mediation as a special sphere of business activity has passed the stage of formation. The prerequisites for its improvement are primarily related to the implementation of the strategy of innovative balanced development of the national economy and further development of the logistics services market. Starting with the 3PL model, all logistics service providers actively use information and communication technologies, work in both retail and e-Commerce formats, and develop on the principle of system outsourcing, creating significant added value for their customers by saving time and resources, sharing responsibilities, and responding quickly to changes in consumer preferences. We can state with confidence that if earlier logistics was considered as a function of providing business, now it determines the system way of doing business and its innovative technologies.

innovation, integrator, logistics intermediary, provider, business development, market, digital technologies

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