Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1997 until now
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
The article discusses the competition development and monopolization features in post-reform Russia in the context of comparing the research problem relevance at the beginning of the perestroika processes in Russia and after the thirty-year period of Russian economy reforming. The analysis of the competition and monopolization im-pact on the development of commodity markets was done. The state management problems of competition and the processes of limiting monopolization development are systemic. The state competitive policy is carried out on the developed regulatory basis at the federal, regional and local levels; and it finds a business environment backward response in the form of expanding practice of introducing antitrust compliance in business processes. The process of competition is developing in Russia economy; the competitive environment expansion and monopolization level decrease are reflected in it, however, stable monopolistic tendencies remain in some economy sectors and activity fields in the economy.
Russian economy, competition, monopolism, monopolization, economic concentration level, natural monopoly, oligopoly
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