Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of studies of the impact of improving the interaction of management personnel and executors on the effectiveness of project implementation presented. In carrying out the research, hypotheses were forward that the complexity of projects in the field of research and development the present time, in the context of the transition to a new information economy, is increasing. As result of research, it revealed that projects in the field of research and development include numerous streams of various types of information. Information is related to management, planning, budgeting, structural and scientific information. Therefore, when performing a large number of projects at the same time very numerous information flows arise. To improve the efficiency of project implementation, a system for generating information flows in the project management system been applied, for which subsystems have been proposed that ensure the distribution of information flows in accordance with the management hierarchy in the design unit consists of the following subsystems.

organization, coordination, project management, project, management, defense industry enterprise, system

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