Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The leading countries have taken the direction of the vector towards digitalization. In the CIS countries, this direction means “digital economy”, but in other countries, it is Industry 4.0 (Germany), in the USA — Industrial Internet Consortium. In fact, this is one and the same process — the translation of the economy into a digital mode, technology, an algorithm for expressing phenomena and actions, goods and services, thoughts, artificial intelligence, etc. Other countries went further by announcing the development of strategy 5.0 (Japan) or 6.0 (China). Many countries do not have rich natural resources, so they completely depend on the quality of education of the new generation, and it needs to be prepared for revolutionary changes. Therefore, the emphasis is on children — this is our future — the theme is as relevant as ever. Humanity is subject to a number of shocks. They are reducing the number of employees, aging populations, declining global competitiveness of production, the need to upgrade infrastructure, environmental problems, lack of natural resources, issues of tackling natural disasters and countering terrorism. There was a necessity to create a universal concept that would go beyond sectoral problems and respond primarily to social needs and needs.

Industry 4.0, IoT, informatization, digitalization, demography, productivity.

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