I’ve made a conclusion about the main theme of Bryusov′s short stories in this scientific essay: it’s concern with dreams as a common communication at same the narrative’ level. It is a literary device here. The basin of this study is a classical approach to such terms as “communication” and “communicativity”. N. Schedrin and F. Dostoevsky use them in their worship to literature. The new approach in this old theme is a problem and perversion of interfere situations, laid in the basis of plot and characters’ structures. New aspects in this article determined by paradoxes of irrational forces: they attack protagonist and lead him to emotional catastrophe, madness and crime. Central object in the study is lucid dreams. I work with this term as a synonym of the dreams on the conscious level. We used to read about unconscious dreams of literature characters, otherwise in this essay I’ve bear in mind both levels in their mutual communicative interferences.
aristotelia and antiaristotelian canons of theoretical poetics, psychological point of view in narrative structure, point’ shifts of views in narrative structure, orthodox and paradoxical modes in the theory of dreams, «art of dreaming»
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