In this paper the authors present a synergetic approach developed and circuit level proven to the creation of electromagnetic equipment of the wide range of application with the minimization of unauthorized side of pathogenic radiation. In recent years, the issue of minimizing exposure to medical personnel pathogenic radiation when developing procedures and equipment electromagnetic physiotherapy is given special attention. In this paper the basic principles in development of synergetic biotechnical systems of the electromagnetic therapy have been formulated. The authors indicated that the modern stage of research and development personnel protection systems characterized by the implementation of synergistic principles for organization of relevant biotechnical systems that have a multi-level hierarchical organization. Observance of this principle in the design of the biotech circuit allows simultaneously to increase the effectiveness of actions equipment and to minimize adverse pathogenic effects for the personnel of enterprises and institutions. Synergetic approach to development of equipment with minimization of the pathogenic effect on staff is considered on the example of the hardware design of extremely high frequency therapy. The authors propose the developed design and basic element-anchor base of the device EHF therapy, which allow to realize the modes of a complex influence on the patient´s various physiotherapeutic factors to ensure the biological effects on many hierarchical levels of the body and to improve the effectiveness of the therapy, and to avoid side effects. The authors argue the benefits of this device compared with other known technical solutions and developments.
synergetic approach, principle, equipment, radiation, staff, electromagnetic therapy
Как известно, в электромагнитной физиотерапии используются процедуры, включающие в себя крайневысокочастотную терапию (КВЧ-терапию), магнитотерапию, включая вихревую, лазеротерапию. Эту группу терапевтических процедур объединяет тот фактор, что эндогенными агентами воздействия на организм являются низкоинтенсивные электромагнитные излучения (ЭМИ) и магнитные поля (МП). Они полезны для пациента, но вредны для медперсонала.
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