Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present review examines the modern view on the problem of infectious mononucleosis. It is noted that this disease is a polyetiological entity and is usually caused by various lymphotropic infections that are often representatives of the Негреsviridae family. Etiological factors, pathogenesis, and the most typical clinical manifestations are described. Clinical and laboratory features depending on the type of pathogen are presented. Differential diagnosis complications are discussed. The authors present comparative analysis of different approaches to this issue reported by other investigators. The authors have made the following conclusions: 1. Infectious mononucleosis presents a variety of clinical manifestations, from asymptomatic to life-threatening, can have a chronic course and form a contingent of sickly children. 2. On the basis of using only routine clinical and laboratory methods of examination, it doesn’t always possible to diagnose the disease. 3. Today there is no single opinion about the treatment infectious mononucleosis, are clearly not designed clinical examination doesn’t clearly developed. 4. Currently, there is no doubt as to the urgency of the threat of infectious mononucleosis in pediatric practice and the need for more detailed study.

infectious mononucleosis, etiological factors, diagnosis, treatment, children, herpes viruses

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