from 01.01.2003 until now
Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation
UDK 63 Сельское хозяйство. Лесное хозяйство. Охота. Рыбное хозяйство
High heat content, renewability and low price of wood waste makes them a promising type of fuel. Production of fuel pellets enables transition to low-waste work of timber enterprises. The maximum productivity of pellet production line is primarily limited by the productivity of the granulator. The aim of the work is to identify the dependence of performance patterns of a press granulator with a DG series radial matrix in the production of fuel granules on the lignin content. The influence of the feedstock type and die diameter of the press granulator matrix on its performance has been evaluated. The granulator scheme and the principle of its operation are presented in the article. Doza-Agro LLC accumulated information on the operation of a press granulator with a radial matrix of the DG series as part of the production lines for the production of fuel pellets of the TP, TP-P and TP-S series operating in various regions of Russia. As a result of processing the accumulated information, an empirical equation is constructed. It describes the effect of the die matrix diameter and the lignin content in the raw material on the performance of press granulator. It has been revealed that its productivity is more affected by the lignin content. Its decrease in hardwood from 24% to 18% leads to a decrease in productivity by 20%, decrease in coniferous wood from 30% to 27% - by 15%. Reducing the diameter of the matrix die from 8 mm to 6 mm and lignin content from 26 to 20% reduces the granulator’s productivity by 32%.
die diameter, wood waste, lignin, pellets, granulator performance
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