A pilot study to assess the effects of normobaric therapy on the formation of an adequate individual style of activity for preschool children was carried out. In this study, 35 preschool children with neuropsychological disorders, including 18 boys and 17 girls, took part. The survey was carried out using the apparatus "Aquatimer". The results of the study allowed the authors to conclude: intermittent therapy used in the rehabilitation process, can affect the physiological status of the preschool child and bioelectric activity of the brain. Indicators of emotional state, as well as the indicator of their functional asymmetry are of great diagnostic value, because the function of each hemisphere has its own specifics, which affects any human activity. The results of the research can be used not only psychologists, but also by teachers to diagnose emotional development of children, the reasons for their broken social adaptation and conflict. Knowledge about the relationship between emotional state and the presence of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres allows to more accurately diagnose and correct communication characteristics of preschoolers with their peers, improve their socialization process and to widen the sphere of our influence on this process.
personalized system diagnostics, adequate individual style of activity, intermittent normobaric hypoxic therapy, medico-social rehabilitation of children.
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