The experiment was carried out on the cell line HeLa, which is one of the most famous among researchers, biologists and physicians; it is widely used in laboratories to identify factors that inhibit the cancerous growth, as well as for testing and testing of various drugs. It is shown that after 60 minutes of exposure field electromagnetic with a frequency of 15 Hz. from impulse wave of the device "Kamena" in the culture of cancer cells occurs morphological structural adjustment. HeLa cells are compressed and reduced contact with the substrate and form becomes elongated and wedge-shaped. In addition, under the influence of pulsed field electromagnetic with a frequency of 15 Hz patterns (patterns), formed by HeLa cells resembling a "flower", dissolved, and cells randomly appears in the culture. HeLa cells, after exposure to the field of apparatus "Kameny, become different dimension that allows to speak about the development of anisocytosis, which indicates a decrease in the resistance of cancer cells in culture for them to adverse factors. During the same time period in the control (without effects of pulsed EMR) is observed only move in HeLa cells relatively dark marks due to horizontal migration. This compression cells and destruction of patterns that originally marked in culture, in the form of the "flower", didn’t observed. Revealed the effect of low-frequency field electromagnetic on the morphology of cancer cells and on the patterns of their distribution on the substrate may be important for therapy of malignant tumors. This experiment doesn’t yet allow by the authors to answer the question: how long the effect on human cancer cells can be maintained in culture and how safe the use of this pulsed field EMR to inhibit the activity of malignant cells. In these experiments, the authors observed an increase in cell proliferation in culture of malignant cells. All of this suggests that further research of revealed effect of low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic radiation on malignant cells in culture is necessary.
electromagnetic radiation, the cells HeLa, apparatus "Kamena" modulated pulses
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