Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses one of the newest ways to finance business projects — crowdfunding. The opinions of scientists on the essence of this concept are generalized. Particular attention is paid to various types of crowdfunding. The objectives of crowdfunding participants are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding, as a method of financing projects, are highlighted, the main difficulties of the development of the crowdfunding market in Russia are identified. In particular, the necessity of improving the regulatory framework and legal regulation of crowdfunding is shown. The features of government regulation of the crowdfunding market in the USA and the UK are investigated. The rules for the effective development and functioning of crowdfunding domestic and foreign systems, as well as the rules of behavior of project initiators for the effective attraction of investments are generalized. A comparative analysis of the main Russian and foreign crowdfunding platforms is done. Statistics on the activities of the largest crowdfunding venues are presented. Conclusions are drawn about the prospects and trends of crowdfunding in Russia.

crowdfunding, financing, investments, crowdinvesting

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