Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Teaching and research competence, as a complex multicomponent structure, is both the goal and the means of stimulating the professional self-development of students. The inclusion of students in the process of solving professionally oriented educational problems is a necessary condition for the implementation of a competency-based learning model. The article discusses examples of tasks related to the implementation of methodological and mathematical training of students. On the example of the assignment related to the design of the mathematical calendar, the capabilities of this assignment are demonstrated, reflecting its focus on the formation of educational and research competence of students. The consistent inclusion of future school teachers in the work on the described tasks contributes to the formation and control of the formation of their methodological and mathematical competence as a whole.

competency-based education model, teaching and research competence, professional self-development, training, professionally-oriented tasks, professionally oriented tasks, preparing a future teacher, methodical and mathematical training of students

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4. Pavlova O.A. Proektiruem tematiku uchebno-poiskovoj deyatel'nosti vmeste s uchashchimisya: princip «domino» [We design the topics of educational and search activities with students: the principle of "domino"]. Matematika v shkole [Mathematics at school]. 2019, I. 4, pp. 34-42.

5. Pavlova O.A., Chirkova N.I. Matematicheskij prazdnik kak komponent metodiko-matematicheskoj podgotovki budushchego uchitelya [Mathematical holiday as a component of the methodological and mathematical preparation of the future teacher]. Gumanizaciya obrazovaniya [Humanization of education]. 2018, I. 1, pp. 30-35.

6. Pavlova O.A., Chirkova N.I. Odna tema proekta - mnozhestvo idej: na primere proektirovaniya matematicheskogo kalendarya [One theme of the project is a lot of ideas: on the example of designing a mathematical calendar]. Profil'naya shkola [Profile School]. 2019, V. 7, I. 5, pp. 8-13.

7. Pavlova O.A., Chirkova N.I. Poisk tematiki uchebnogo proekta kak sotvorchestvo uchitelya i uchashchihsya (na primere osvoeniya geometricheskogo materiala) [Search for the topics of the educational project as a co-creation of a teacher and students (by the example of mastering geometric material)]. Profil'naya shkola [Profile School]. 2018, V. 6, I. 6, pp. 25-31.

8. Pavlova O.A., Chirkova N.I. Formirovanie professional'nyh kompetentnostej v oblasti prepodavaniya matematiki u bakalavrov cherez sobytijnyj harakter auditornoj i vneauditornoj raboty [Formation of professional competencies in the field of teaching mathematics at bachelors through the event nature of classroom and extracurricular work]. Gumanizaciya obrazovaniya [Humanization of education]. 2018, I. 5, pp. 88-93.

9. Pavlova O.A., Chirkova N.I. Ocenochnye sredstva v metodiko-matematicheskoj podgotovke bakalavrov: kompetentnostnyj podhod [Evaluation tools in the methodological and mathematical preparation of bachelors: a competency-based approach]. Gumanizaciya obrazovaniya [Humanization of education]. 2018, I. 6, pp. 111-117.

10. Chirkova N.I., Pavlova O.A. K voprosu ocenivaniya metapredmetnyh rezul'tatov uchebnoj deyatel'nosti studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza v usloviyah kompetentnostnoj modeli obucheniya [On the issue of evaluating meta-subject learning outcomes of students of a pedagogical university in the context of a competency-based learning model]. Profil'naya shkola [Profile School]. 2019, V. 7, I. 4, pp. 3-9.

11. Chirkova N.I., Pavlova O.A. Organizaciya samostoyatel'noj raboty studentov v usloviyah kompetentnostnogo obucheniya [Organization of students' independent work in terms of competency-based education]. Profil'naya shkola [Profile School]. 2019, V. 7, I. 2, pp. 15-20.

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