Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the development of the natural scientific style of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the conditions of didactic synthesis of the content of natural scientific education. The author defines the natural scientific style of educational and cognitive activity as an individual-peculiar way of perception, coding, processing, setting and solving problems in the knowledge of schoolchildren. The purpose of the article is to present the technology of developing the scientific style of educational and cognitive activity in the face-and-face interaction between schoolchildren and teachers in conditions of didactic synthesis of the content of natural science education. The article describes the theoretical context of the presentation of the technology of development of the natural scientific style of educational and cognitive activity of the individual, including: target orientations, principles, peculiarities of content, methods and techniques, methodology and directions of implementation. Ways of revealing technology of personality development under conditions of didactic synthesis of content of natural-scientific formation are shown. The main signs determining the natural scientific style of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, adequately reflecting the activity of natural scientists, have been identified. The conceptual provisions of the developing training technology include provisions on the priority of the educational needs of the individual, encouraging changes in individual actions and operations, implementing the didactic resonance of the teaching and scientific style, personalizing the content of natural science education of the individual, and using specific methods and techniques of training. The content of the technology for the development of the natural-science style of educational and cognitive activity, which includes differentiation, personalization, integration, optimization, activation, and direction of personal-personal interaction, is determined. The article presents a methodology for developing the natural-science style of educational and cognitive activity, based on differential-individual, inductive-deductive, complex, algorithmic, research and pragmatic methods of teaching. Priority ways of teaching students that characterize the natural-science style of educational and cognitive activity are highlighted.

developing learning, style of educational activity, natural science style of educational and cognitive activity, technology of the developing training, personal-personal interactions in training, method of teaching, ways of teaching

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