Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.03 Медико-биологические дисциплины
GRNTI 76.33 Гигиена и эпидемиология
OKSO 14.04.02 Ядерные физика и технологии
OKSO 31.06.2001 Клиническая медицина
OKSO 31.08.08 Радиология
OKSO 32.08.12 Эпидемиология
BBK 51 Социальная гигиена и организация здравоохранения. Гигиена. Эпидемиология
BBK 534 Общая диагностика
TBK 5708 Гигиена и санитария. Эпидемиология. Медицинская экология
TBK 5712 Медицинская биология. Гистология
TBK 5734 Медицинская радиология и рентгенология
TBK 6212 Радиоактивные элементы и изотопы. Радиохимия
Purpose: A comparative analysis of the health of the liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, employees of enterprises and enterprises of the nuclear industry, and residents of the Moscow region. Material and methods: The information bases of the Industrial Register of Persons Exposed to Radiation from the Chernobyl Accident and the Register of the Liquidators of the Consequences of the Chernobyl NPP Residents of the Moscow Region were used in the work. The development of the material was carried out according to the total morbidity and mortality rates of men + women in 2017 by disease classes (ICD-10). Statistical processing of the material was carried out in the Excel system; morbidity, mortality, their error, indicator structure (%), ratio indicator and reliability of the difference in indicators were calculated (p = 0.05 %). Results: The results of the study showed that the incidence of some diseases is higher among the liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident – residents of the Moscow region: incidence of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (ratio 2.0), urogenital system (ratio 1.7). There was a higher mortality from diseases of the digestive system among the liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident – residents of the Moscow region (ratio 1.8). Conclusion: The difference in the health indicators of the studied cohorts can be explained by the difference in their age structure and the difference in dispensary observation. The need for further observation of this cohort of individuals to increase the power of the study is shown.
radiation accident, Chernobyl nuclear power plant, liquidators, morbidity, mortality, nuclear industry workers, residents of the Moscow region
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