The article reveals the specific features of the expression of pejorative evaluation in the media discourse of fashion, aimed at a wide mass audience, using tv-shows in the genre of make-over-show “Fashionable sentence” and “Take it off immediately”. The analysis of lexical units containing negative valuation meanings in the denotative component of meaning (general valuation and private valuation), as well as contextually determined lexemes acquiring negative coloring in the context of discourse of fashion, is presented. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the explicit and implicit evaluative characteristics with a peer-to-peer component used by the leading programs — professionals in the field of fashion, realize the maximum impact on the mind and behavior of the addressee and the formation of the values necessary for the addressee in relation to appearance.
fashion shows, make-over-show, massmedia discourse of fashion, system of values, pejorative evaluation, explicit evaluation, implicit evaluation
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