Globalization has increased the breadth of coverage of the audience of modern mass media, which is used by terrorists, increasing the scale and demonstrative cruelty of terrorist actions, conducting them with the expectation of maximum publicity. Analysis of the specifics of modern media reveals a shift in emphasis from the beautiful to the shocking, ugly, frightening. At the same time, the situation when the mass media make the culture of murder and violence an integral part of the mass consciousness, leads to the fact that information about terrorist acts becomes for the media not so much frightening or terrifying as a desirable object that raises the rating. In addition to the use of media resources to intimidate, intimidate the population, the article also examines the use of the Internet to create a new image of a terrorist as a fighter for faith and freedom, as well as the use of social networks to recruit new members of terrorist organizations. The last two areas are related to a new phenomenon - the fusion of terrorism with the Internet, this phenomenon is called “electronic Jihad”or “ cyberjihad”.
mass media, terrorism, aesthetics shocking, kiberdzhihad, electronic Jihad
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