Object. St. Tommaso di Aquino’s spiritual legacy. Social, cultural, economic and sociopolitical issues in the modern world in terms of their spiritual and moral regulation. Subject of Research. St. Tommaso’s theological teaching as a set of principles for the formation of social and cultural activities of the Church. Christian anthropology communication. Tommaso in the context of sociopsychological and socioethical issues in the methodology of education and socialization of a human being. Public social policy in the modern world in terms of the social and spiritual teaching of St. Tommaso. Regulation of cultural processes in society, education and training processes from the standpoint of theological and teaching doctrine of the Italian theologian and scholar. Regulation of economic relations in society in the paradigm of St. Tommaso’s spiritual legacy. Purpose. Contributing to the process of policy convergence of the secular state with the institution of religion in matters of cultural development and humanization of society, the development of science and education, patriotic and moral education of the youth, spiritual healing social institutions of civil society.
theology, virtue, prudence, justice, common welfare, ethical regulation, intelligence, humanitarian culture, the Catholic Church
10 июня 2014 г. в Культурном центре «Покровские ворота» состоялся российско-итальянский симпозиум «Вклад св. Фомы Аквинского в развитие общественных наук в Европе. К 740-летию кончины выдающегося итальянского христианского мыслителя».
Организаторы симпозиума: Итальянский институт культуры (Москва), Институт политических, экономических и социальных исследований (Рим), Всероссийский центр уровня жизни (ВЦУЖ, Москва), Научный совет по религиозно-социальным
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