Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The process of evaluating wooden structures, which is gaining great popularity these days, is examined. In view of the fact that the main development of the countryside took place during the Soviet era, by our time, wooden structures of the last century have become unusable and cannot be used for their intended purpose. The results of a visual examination of wooden structures of the feldsher-midwife station located in s. Lopatino, Saratov region. All wooden structures of the object were examined, measurements of the found damages were made. During the examination, a visual method with photo fixation was used. The analysis of the terrain in which the object is located, in order to more accurately obtain the result of the origin of the identified damage. The types of studies considered, as well as their assessment, can be used for surveys of other buildings with similar structural damage. The conducted studies will help to be used as one of the options for technical solutions necessary for the reconstruction of the facility.

wooden structures, defects, structural condition assessment, construction, visual inspection

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