Novokuzneck, Russian Federation
Novokuzneck, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The identifi cation and development of gifted children’s abilities and talents is one of the priorities of the modernization of Russian education. The integration of universities with educational organizations of diff erent types (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums) becomes particularly relevant in working with gifted children who are prone to creative, intellectual and research activities. The structural and content model of the organization of work with gifted children on the basis of the University includes the stages of diagnosis, training and analysis of the results, and the content-activity component is revealed in the following areas: interaction with children; interaction with parents; interaction with experts; interaction with educational organizations. The complex of actions which are result of introduction and functioning of this model is described. As one of the priorities for the further development of the system of work with gifted children on the basis of the University, the creation of the project of the school of intellectual development and entrepreneurship for children and adolescents of grades 1-11, including several educational sites: children’s club of intellectual development, school — laboratory, business school, STEM — Academy.
gifted children, a model of work with gifted children on the basis of the University, experience with gifted children, school of intellectual development and entrepreneurship
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