Russian Federation
The paper presents a conceptually new direction in ensuring the long-term sustainable development of organizations — an autogenic crisis and a mechanism for its preparation — stress testing. The thesis that the crisis is a manifestation of the third law of Hegelian dialectics — “the negation of negation” is advanced. It is concluded that the crisis is a violation of the previous equilibrium (stability) and at the same time, the potential for transition to a new equilibrium (new stability), i.e. a crisis state serves as a way of moving an object from a previous state, through disintegration and conflict, to a new state. To remove contradictions and imbalances, the author proposes to initiate a managed (autogenic) crisis by the top leaders of the organization. Autogenic crisis allows you to update, reboot the system and move to a new level of stability. To prepare for an autogenic crisis and identify underlying problems in the early stages, the author proposes to use a diagnostic tool such as stress testing in the framework of macro- and microprudential regulation. The article outlines ways to solve the tasks and determines the directions for the further development of stress testing and prudential policy in industry.
crisis, autogenic crisis, “the negation of the negation”, life cycle model, organizational systems, system changes, macroprudential policy, microprudential policy, stress testing, stress test
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