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Abstract (English):
Until recently, ASNT classified microwaves testing (MW) as a technique under electromagnetic testing (ET) (ASNT, 2004). In fact, the ET method comprised a number of techniques that have little in common, such as eddy current, microwave, magnetic flux leakage. The microwave Testing Committee was established in 2014 and the method was included in the 2016 editions of ANSI/ASNT CP-105; ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel and ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A: Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing. This is justified since there are an increasing number of MW applications and techniques, more research, and more industrial applications than ever before. Within ASNT committee work, efforts are underway to develop MV certifications for Level I and Level II inspectors. The purpose of this paper is to provide a broad and introductory perspective to MW and provide the technical justification as to why MW should be its own method in support of ASNT’s recognition of MW. There is not enough room in this paper to give justice to all of the formidable techniques, example applications, and noteworthy contributions since 1950s, when MW began. Moreover, there is insufficient room to even simply list the references. The goals of this paper are to introduce MW, describe materials characterization and imaging techniques with example applications, and a final discussion. Materials characterization describes transmission line, open-ended waveguide, and free-space techniques, image describes near field, lens-focused, synthetic-focused, and real-time techniques.

microwave testing, material characterization, imaging

1. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, third edition. V. 5: Electromagnetic Testing. - Columbus, Ohio: ASNT, 2004.

2. Introduction to Nondestructive Testing. - Columbus, Ohio: ASNT,, accessed 26 September 2019.

3. Pozar D. M. Microwave Engineering, third edition.: Hoboken, New Jersey. - John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.

4. Kharkovsky S., Zoughi R. Microwave and Millimeter Wave Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation - Overview and Recent Advances. IEEE Instrum. & Measurement Magazine. 2007. V. 10. No. 2.

5. Zoughi R. Microwave Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation. - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer, 2000.

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