UDK 16 Логика. Теория познания. Методология и логика науки
UDK 80 Общие вопросы филологии, лингвистики и литературы. Риторика
UDK 81 Лингвистика. Языкознание. Языки
GRNTI 13.01 Общие вопросы культуры
GRNTI 13.07 Теория, методология и философия культуры
GRNTI 13.09 История культуры. История изучения культуры
GRNTI 13.11 Культура в современном мире
OKSO 51.04.01 Культурология
BBK 71 Культура. Культурология
TBK 72 Культура. Средства массовой информации
TBK 721 Культура
TBK 7214 Межкультурная коммуникация
TBK 722 Культурология
TBK 7221 Теория и история культурологии
BISAC CGN000000 General
BISAC CGN004050 Manga / General
BISAC HIS000000 General
BISAC HIS037070 Modern / 20th Century
BISAC HIS037080 Modern / 21st Century
BISAC TEC056000 History
The article is devoted to visual narratives based on comics which form the values of mass culture. Comics are primarily a narrative medium. The subject of the study is the role of the formation of the values of mass culture. Particular attention is paid to the concept of visual narrative through comics and, in particular, its function in shaping the values of the subject of mass culture, because in modern culture, which is opposed to it through print and electronic media, the sense of reality is increasingly structured by narrative (narrative). The main research methods are sociocultural and historical approaches. They allow, based on the analysis of a vast amount of materials devoted to visual narratives and comics, including both foreign and domestic sources, to distinguish and interpret the main structure of the narrative: beginning, middle and ending. It is concluded that visual narratives affect society in key areas. Films tell stories about themselves and the world in which a person lives. Television appeals to society and offers reality in illusory forms. Printed products turn everyday life into history. Advertisements tell about the fantasies and desires of a modern person. The result of the study is the conclusion that visual narratives play a leading role in the formation of the values of mass culture, turning information and events into structures that are already significant for society. The novelty of the study is determined by the new facets of ideas about the phenomenon of visual narrative in the context of cultural knowledge.
socio-cultural approach, visual narrative, Mass culture, narrative, story, comics, visual culture, visual communication, modern culture, cultural knowledge
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