The article describes the application developed by the authors and automated set of practical lessons on the theory of graphs. The complex is based on two passed the state registration of training programs for solving optimization problems on graphs. Classes are held in the computer labs. Conducted pedagogical experiment has shown that the use of these programs enhances learning students by automating routine operations. So the amount of solved tasks increases 4 times, improving the quality of training by 37 and 46 percent, and the success of training – 36 percent.
training programs, pedagogical experiment, optimization problems, graphs, automation, routine actions
Использование в преподавании математических дисциплин компьютерных программ учебного назначения наряду с компьютерными математическими системами приводит к значительной интенсификации проведения практических занятий [1]. Особенно это заметно при проведении занятий, на которых изучаются громоздкие алгоритмы.
1. Parshin A.V. Innovatsionnye informatsionno-komp´yuternye tekhnologii obucheniya matematike v voennom vuze: monografiya. Voronezh: VAIU. 2010. 297 s.
2. Parshin A.V., Panyushkin V.N., D´yachenko A.S. Obuchayushchaya programma «Reshenie zadachi teorii grafov o naibol´shem potoke v dvukhpolyusnoy seti». Svidetel´stvo o gosudarstvennoy registratsii programmy dlya EVM №2011619462, zaregistrirovana 14 dekabrya 2011 g. M.: Rospatent, 2011. 61 s.
3. Parshin A.V., Panyushkin V.N., Petrov E.Ya. Obuchayushchaya programma «Reshenie zadachi teorii grafov o kratchayshem puti v grafe». Svidetel´stvo o gosudarstvennoy registratsii programmy dlya EVM №2011618714, zaregistrirovana 9 noyabrya 2011 g. M.: Rospatent, 2011. 64 s.