Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author considers the basics of clustering a foreign economy, the priorities of the cluster policy of the Russian Federation. The activity of the Center for Cluster Development “Technopark of High Technologies” as a coordinating center for the development of a cluster economy of Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous District is analyzed. The Center adheres to the unshakable foundations of cluster policy, based on the organization of interaction between government bodies and local self-government, business structures and scientific and educational institutions in order to increase the innovativeness of production and the service sector of the district clusters. The role of the Center for Cluster Development in interacting with other district clusters and partners is estimated. The author believes that mutual cooperation will help to find optimal ways for the further effective development of clusters of Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous District in the long term. The introduction of innovative technologies in the district clusters (oil and gas and oil and gas processing clusters, forestry and mining, medical, tourist and recreational clusters, the Technics and Technologies for the North cluster, and the scientific and innovative cluster) will ensure a synergistic effect of the economic activity of a wide range of regional territorial enterprises.

cluster economy, cluster policy, investment, national technological initiative (STI), synergistic effect

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