Russian Federation
The article examines the phenomenon of media image and political image. The material for the study was the media representation of V. Zhirinovsky and K. Sobchak as candidates for the presidency of Russian Federation in the fields of television (in the information and socio-political programs of First Channel, ARTRBC (“Russia 1”, “Russia 24”), NTV, “RenTV”, Fifth Channel, “TV Center”) and the Internet (materials of news portals “RIA News”, “REGNUM”, “TASS”, “Interfax”, “Izvestia”, “Vedomosti”, “Meduza”; posts in social networks “VKontakte”, “Facebook”). The methods of contentanalysis, intent-analysis (through the system “Medialogia”), secondary data analysis — the results of sociological studies of All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (ARPORC), Public Opinion Foundation (POF), Levada Center and the presidential elections in Russia. Chronological framework of the study: November 2017 — March 2018. The author comes to the conclusion about the existence of interdependence and conditional identity of the phenomenon of political image and media image, which influence the construction of each other. At the same time, excessive mediatization of political actors (outside the respective ritualized locales and contexts) leads to their self-discredit — the loss of the “credibility” of both the potential and the real electorate.
political image, media image, mediatization of politics, public policy, show policy
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