Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the concept of Self-PR. It describes the technology of creating and promoting a personal brand; stages of its development. Personal brand is analyzed as a tool to promote your business and services. The process of formation and promotion of the brand is divided into four stages: personality audit; brand strategy is determined; creating basic brand attributes; selection of personal brand promotion means; identification of key communication channels.

Self-PR, self-promotion, personal brand, personal branding, communication channels

1. Putilina N. Lichnyj brend kak dejstvennyj instrument dlya razvitiya svoego biznesa// Press-sluzhba. 2018. N 8. p. 83.

2. Self-PR kak obraz zhizni [Elektronnyy resurs] // Available at: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5bd2ad7113f8c600a99a0ff1/selfpr-kak-obraz-jizni-5be737e15d9d8200a985e902 (accessed 16 March 2019).

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