Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article assesses the dynamics of the main demographic indicators of the Tula region: birth rate, mortality, natural increase and decrease for 2000–2018, presents the age pyramid of the population, estimates the coefficient of demographic load, and analyzes the main reasons for the increase in the burden on the working-age population. It is established that the demographic situation in the Tula region, as in most other regions of Russia, remains quite tense, and is characterized by complex processes in the development of the population, which is associated with high mortality and low fertility. Methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction, methods of graphical analysis were used in the preparation of the article. The methodological basis was the data of the Federal state statistics service and normative documents. The authors based on the analysis of the main normative documents regulating the activities of the authorities and management in the field of demographic situation management at the municipal level, and statistical data, justified the need to introduce measures to improve the demographic situation in the Tula region, the introduction of additional mechanisms to encourage families to give birth to children by increasing guaranteed social benefits to families.

mortality, fertility, natural growth, natural decline, demographic load, depopulation, demographic aging, demographic echo, working age, migration, quality of life

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