Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article discusses issues related to the implementation of innovative and information technologies in the process of functioning of banking institutions. The analysis of the main directions of the using of the modern technologies is outlined; their advantages and main problems arising from the application of innovations in the processes of providing banking services and operations are revealed. The authors explore the possibilities and prospects for the use of intellectual property in the banking sector in the context of increasing competition between financial market participants and the need for Russia’s transition to a digital economy. In preparing the article, methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction, methods of graphical analysis were applied. The methodological basis was the works of domestic economists and specialists in the field of information technology, materials of periodicals, websites and legislation. Based on the study, the main areas of use of the results of intellectual activity in the banking sector were identified. The directions of introduction of innovative financial technologies in the process of providing banking services are indicated, which will allow banks to overcome competition with other participants of the financial market and increase their efficiency, as well as accelerate the transition of Russia to the digital economy.
intellectual property, information technologies, innovations, financial technologies, banking information systems, automation, digital economy, technological product
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