Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The transition to a post-industrial — informational, digital economy, which occurs in modern Russia, is capable of providing a multiple increase in labor productivity. In the course of numerous studies of the conditions for the transition to the development of a post-industrial, information economy, certain features of the resource support for the growth of the post-industrial economy have established. However, far, it is not possible to establish with delivery completeness a complex of factors that ensure economic growth and increase in labor productivity in the process of forming a postindustrial economy. The results of research are often controversial. To assess the factors determining labor productivity, it is proposed to investigate the impact of capital, human and intellectual capital, infrastructural, institutional, social, innovative factors, factors associated with inflation and foreign economic activity. At the preliminary stage of the research, the positive impact of the spread of computers with Internet access on 100 workers and the negative impact of electronic document management on labor productivity in the regions of Russia found.
information economy, productivity, production factors, regions, econometric models
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