Russian Federation
Role-playing games develop the ability to organize and implement educational and cognitive activities in the field of vocational education. The article defines the role-playing game, its scenario features, methodical orientation. It also reveals its difference from business games. The author provides a description and analysis of several role-playing games that can be carried out at an early stage of language learning for the purpose of language professionalization. The selection of material for games involves both lexical units necessary for linguo-cultural communication, and grammatical rules that can help the development of a given topic. To analyze the results, the author uses data from a survey conducted among students who participated in the game. On the basis of these data, the charts demonstrating the readiness of students to work with Italian partners and in a multicultural environment are constructed. The carts show an increase of students’ confidence in their business communication skills with foreign partners. Knowledge of professional discourse and the ability to deal with it relieves stress, contributes to personal development. At the end of the article the author concludes that the use of a role-playing game as a productive modern technology for training international economists in a foreign language at an early stage contributes to the development of professional competencies.
role-playing games, professional discourse, professional language training, professional competences, early language professionalization
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