Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The topicality of the appeal to the language material of the “Rigveda” is conditioned by its significance for the study of the role of the archaic ritual in the formation of human communication. The point of issue of the paper is the questions contained in the cosmogonic hymn of the «Rigveda» bravavrttam where they are left unanswered. The work aims to throw light onto the illocutionary force of these questions against the background of a communicative in nature Vedic ritual practice. To achieve this aim the author deals not only with the meaning content of the hymn but also its pragmatics, the part it plays in the ritual communication as well as involved cognitive mechanism and traits of its phonetic, musical and poetic form. The research makes it possible to verify our ideas on the nature of the Vedic ritual and enhances the understanding of its texts. The work shows impossibility of an adequate interpretation of the Vedic text elements regardless to the pragmatics and communicative intents of the ritual speech. The main result of the research is the assumption of presumed by the Vedic mindset a divine verbal contribution to the magic practice of the ritual cosmogony.

communication, pragmatics, musical and poetic text, ritual, hymn, cosmogony

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