Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article examines the specifics of the professional and personal deformation of the health service employees of the Internal Affairs Ministry as a special category. For the purpose of the research we used a complex of psycho diagnostical methodics including the Tikhomirova’s questionnaire on the level of professional personality deformation, the questionnaire of professional deformation as well as the technique of Tikhonova - Komb of the methodology of studying frustration reactions of health professionals under stressful professional situations, the questionnaire of Maslach-Vodopianova on professional burnout, the questionnaire on empathy adapted from Megrabian’s technique. We also used the technique of the professional activity motivation by K. Zamfir modified by A.A. Rean and methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. The authors have empirically identified psychological features of professional deformation of the health workers including a predominance of self-defensive extrapunitive reaction under conflict situations with patients, the development of professional burnout within the type of the low professional success coupled with signs of emotional exhaustion, the predominance of the external motivation to work as well as the reduced level of empathy. The career duration and educational level have proved to have influence on the specifics of the professional and personal deformation of the health service employees.

professional and personal deformation, health service employees of the Internal Affairs Ministry, motivational profile of health workers, frustration reactions, emotional exhaustion, conflict situations, professional burnout

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