Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the existing problems arising in the formation of teachers’ readiness for professional activities in the fi eld of educational robotics. The necessity of systemic training of pedagogical personnel meeting the demands of modern society and capable of teaching the young generation of the country at various educational levels, thereby increasing the level of engineering education, is established. The teacher of this direction should have knowledge from various scientifi c fi elds: computer science and information technology, physics, microelectronics and artifi cial intelligence. The article describes the experience of the Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications of the North-Caucasian Federal University in teaching children, schoolchildren and students of educational robotics, as well as the training of teachers and advanced training of existing teachers in this field. A promising area of research is the study of the organizational and methodological conditions for the formation of teacher competence and the development of teacher training technologies in the fi eld of educational robotics.

educational robotics, teacher education, engineering education, teacher of educational robotics, STEM education, methods and approaches for teacher training

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