The primary function of a postal system is to create and to service a national postal area which, according to the Treaty of Bern, is integrated into the Universal Postal Union. The term refers to a total of postal addresses serviced by the national universal postal service. However, until recently, the concept of “address”, particularly “postal address”, has not been legitimized within Russian regulatory and legal framework despite its importance for all the sphere of activity, especially for relationship at law.
state, post, postal service, Law “On postal service”, postal address system
Законопроект о почтовой связи, одной из важнейших сфер деятельности государства, — необходимый шаг к тому, чтобы создать правовые основы для формирования современного почтово-адресного пространства, функционирующего как в материальной, так и в виртуальной сфере.
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