Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of a series of empirical studies devoted to the analysis of the relationship between school performance (according to the Unified State Examination criterion), its social efficiency (according to the criterion of the frequency of student circulation to tutors) and various social and pedagogical characteristics of the school. A correlation analysis was carried out on an array of data obtained over 5 years of regular comprehensive surveys in schools of St. Petersburg. The sets of signs that are most characteristic for schools with high performance and for schools with high social effi ciency are identified and described. Distinctive features of successful schools are associated with a high level of use of tutoring services by students, with good material and technical conditions, teachers’ competence in the use of design and research methods, etc. In socially eff ective schools, the achievement of students’ academic results is based on the use of their own school strengths — teachers’ potential, innovative technologies with large-scale attraction of the Internet and electronic resources. The study was carried out with the fi nancial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of the scientifi c project “Signs of an eff ective school in conditions of the mass distribution of tutoring practices” No. 19-013-00455.

tutoring, unified national exam, effective school, socially effective school, correlation analysis

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