from 01.01.2016 to 01.01.2019
g. Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
The article is devoted to the problems of formation and evaluation of the financial potential of the textile industry. The paper characterizes the financial potential, analyzes the results of the textile industry and considers the mechanisms of its support from the state. Methodological tools of research: analysis of statistical sources of information. According to the study conducted on the example of a company producing woven and nonwoven polymer materials, participation in government support programs did not have a significant impact on its key financial performance. It is concluded that state support is only an additional source of growth of financial potential of large enterprises of the textile industry. The author reveals the indicators that reflect the changes in the financial potential of the textile industry and characterizes the negative trends of its development.
financial potential, light industry, state support for the textile industry
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