Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In social psychology interaction is implemented as a creation of the general strategy of interaction and also the subsequent analysis of a contribution of each participant Theoretical studying of sources of creation of models of interaction in group will allow to reveal those parameters which can be used in the subsequent for the analysis of communication in network. In the 70s the XX centuries on the basis of Ch.Osgood and M. Uish’s works, R. Beylz began studying the problem of interpersonal interactions in small social group. The scheme of the analysis of interactions he called SIMLOG. R. Beylz considered that by means of such scheme it is possible to estimate three key parameters of interactions: behavior level, image level, levels of estimated judgments. For the subsequent analysis of interactions in network discussions the analysis according to the schemes offered by R. Beylz and M. Uish is submitted interesting. As the main interactions it is possible to allocate those which in R. Beylz’s description belong to the ACT group. This category is not connected with directly observed nonverbal components which cannot be estimated in network interaction.

interaction, analysis of communication, Beylz, Wish, network discourse.

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