from 01.01.2018 until now
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
VAC 05.17.00 Химическая технология
VAC 05.23.00 Строительство и архитектура
The article traces the process of forming the planning structure of the historical core in the general structure of Moroccan cities. The sequence of development the Medina of Marrakech, the main ele-ments of its planning structure and development by periods is revealed. This study examines the Islamic period with the alternation of ruling dynasties. The general features of the planning of Morocco cities and characteristics of the planning structure of Marrakesh are reflected. There are five identified stages in the development of functional-planning structure of Marrakech, each is characterized by change and addition of the planning structure elements, the increase in perimeter buildings of the Medina, with the inclusion of new elements. The history of construction and transformation of key monuments of architectural heritage and their impact on the general structure of the Medina is considered. The development of the territory and construction of residential areas along the perimeter of the existing Medina led to the emergence of a new contour of the enclosing wall with trade and craft sectors. This is typical for the second and the third period. Further development of the city takes place in the fourth and fifth period through the construction of residential areas outside the Medina (stone walls) and the resettlement of new population. Analysis of the Medina of Marrakesh development allows to reveal its architectural and planning structure, relating it to the type of formation of medieval cities. The considered data can assist to predict the further direction of development the planning structure of the Medina and to prevent its loss and "dissolution" in the city.
planning structure, historical core of the city, Marrakech, Medina
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