Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
V stat'e provedeno sravnenie trebovaniy rossiyskih i mezhdunarodnyh standartov po vyboru radiograficheskih plenok, tochnee plenochnyh sistem, dlya promyshlennoy radiografii. Otmechaetsya, chto nabor parametrov, harakterizuyuschih plenku, v standarte ISO 11699-1-2011 i otechestvennyh TU kardinal'no otlichaetsya. Poetomu pri otsutstvii u otechestvennyh plenok klassifikacii po standartu ISO nevozmozhno ih ispol'zovanie v ramkah deystvuyuschih i podgotovlennyh k vypusku standartov RF, naprimer, GOST R ISO 10893-6-2016, GOST ISO 17636-1-2017. V ukazannyh standartah ISO predusmotreno ispol'zovanie tol'ko metallicheskih usilivayuschih ekranov, chto sozdaet ogranicheniya dlya primeneniya drugih tipov ekranov bez prinyatiya dopolnitel'nyh mer.

radiografiya, normativnaya dokumentaciya, radiograficheskaya plenka, plenochnye sistemy, klassifikaciya plenok

1. Gnedin M. M., Galkin D. I., Usachev E. Yu. Vizual'nyy i radiacionnyy kontrol' v sisteme standartov ISO, EN i ASTM. Spravochno-informacionnoe posobie. - M. 2017.

2. GOST 7512-82. Kontrol' nerazrushayuschiy. Soedineniya svarnye. Radiograficheskiy metod. - M.: Standartinform, 2008.

3. ISO 5579-2013. Non-destructive testing. Radiographic testing of metallic materials using film and X- or gamma rays. Basic rules.

4. ISO 17636-1-2013. Non-destructive testing of welds. Radiographic testing. Part 1. X- and gamma -rays techniques with film.

5. ISO 10893-6-2011. Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Part 10. Radiographic testing of weld seam of automatic fusion arc welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections.

6. GOST R ISO 10893-6-2016. Truby stal'nye besshovnye i svarnye. Chast' 6. Radiograficheskiy kontrol' svarnyh shvov dlya obnaruzheniya defektov. - M. Standartinform. 2016.

7. ISO 11699-1-2011. Non-destructive testing. Industrial radiographic film. Part 1. Classification of film systems for industrial radiography. (Kontrol' nerazrushayuschiy. Radiograficheskie plenki dlya promyshlennoy radiografii. Chast' 1. Klassifikaciya plenochnyh sistem dlya promyshlennoy radiografii).

8. ISO 11699-2-2011. Non-destructive testing. Industrial radiographic film. Part 2. Control of film processing by means of reference values.

9. GOST ISO 17636-1-2017. Nerazrushayuschiy kontrol' svarnyh soedineniy. Radiograficheskiy kontrol'. Chast' 1. Sposoby rentgeno- i gammagraficheskogo kontrolya s primeneniem plenki. - M.: Standartinform, 2018.

10. Velichko V. Ya. Parametry kachestva radiograficheskih izobrazheniy svarnyh soedineniy po novym standartam GOST ISO 17636-1,2-2017. - V mire NK. 2018. T. 21. № 3. S. 46-55.

11. OST6-17-54-80. Materialy fotograficheskie cherno-belye na prozrachnoy podlozhke. Metod rentgenosensitometricheskogo ispytaniya radiograficheskih i flyuorograficheskih plenok. - M.: Minhimprom SSSR, 1980.

12. Tehnicheskie usloviya TU 6-17-1185-83. Plenki radiograficheskie RT-11, RT-12, RT- 14, RT-15. - M.: Minhimprom SSSR, 1982.

13. GOST 20426. Kontrol' nerazrushayuschiy. Metody defektoskopii radiacionnye. Oblast' primeneniya. - M.: Standartinform, 2008.

14. Tehnicheskie usloviya TU 2372-057-00205156-2003 Plenki radiograficheskie RT-1V. - OOO «NPP «Tasma», 2003.

15. Prospekt OAO Tasma «Nerazrushayuschiy kontrol'».

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