Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the present stage of development of the world and Russian economy there is a change of technological structure or a long cycle of economic conjuncture of D. Kondratyev. Innovative technologies based on biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, global information networks, artificial intelligence system, etc. are the basis for the formation of a new wave of the cycle. The use of innovative technologies allows for a significant increase in production efficiency, cost reduction, reduction of energy and capital intensity. The article reveals the role of innovation in the economic development of the state and the region in the transition to an innovative type of development. The characteristic of regional and branch differentiation on the level of innovative activity of the enterprises is given. The priority directions of development of innovative activity of enterprises-innovators are revealed. Conclusions are drawn on the need for policies to enhance innovation. The mechanism of increase of activity and efficiency of innovative activity of subjects of the Russian economy is offered. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its results to substantiate the perspective directions of development of modernization of the national economy and to substantiate the main methods and tools for the formation and implementation of the innovation policy of the state.

innovations, innovative activity, marketing innovations, organizational innovations, technological innovations, efficiency of innovations, engineering, innovation policy.

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