In this work we show the possibility of spectrophotometric detection and determination of low concentrations of molybdenum in a complex with p- диметиламинофенилфлуороном (n - Duff) . The optimal reaction conditions : pH , reagent concentration , the ripening of the complex solution , the order of addition of the reagent, the effect of tungsten and conditions of its concealment. Based on the data developed spectrophotometric determination of molybdenum in the presence of tungsten in industrial samples hydrometallurgical technology . Currently, detection and measurement of low concentrations of elements including molybdenum in the presence of tungsten is one of the urgent problems of analysis. The lower limit of detection of molybdenum complex with para-диметиламинофенилфлуороном is n • 10-10 g / ml Mo .
molybdenum spectra complex absorption composition, properties , the organic reagent
Проблемой аналитической химии редких элементов является обнаружение и определение их малых концентраций в природных водах и промышленных объектах.
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