Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the paper there is described solving a current scientific problem of mathematical modeling of heat-mass transfer processes and elastic-viscous-plastic deformation taking into account the mechanics and sorption creep in hygroscopic capillary-porous materials with variable anisotropic heat and mechanics characteristics what is of importance for the rational choice and substantiation of energy conservative technologies of timber drying under the conditions of necessary qualitative production providing.

mathematical model, the method of finite elements, heat and mass transfer, elastic-viscous-plastic state, drying process, timber

Actuality of theme. During drying of hygroscopic capillary-porous bodies irreversible physical processes arise up and cooperate between itself, there are phase transitions, which predetermine changes in physical mechanical properties of materials in general, initial form of body, formation of cracks in it and its possible destruction. These phenomena which take place in the conditions of high changeability of structural and physical properties of hygroscopic materials are basic restrictive factors for development of effective methods of management the capillary-porous materials drying processes. The improvement of existing and creation of new resources saving technologies of drying is closely related to the detailed study deformation-relaxation and heat-and-mass transfer processes in capillary-porous materials. Applying only experimental methods of the deformation run and heat-and-mass transfer research in such systems is connected with considerable financial expenses and technical difficulties. Therefore there is an objective necessity of development of two-dimensional mathematical models and effective programmatic-algorithmic facilities of their


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