from 01.01.2002 until now
Birobidzhan, Birobidzhan, Russian Federation
UDK 50 Общие вопросы математических и естественных наук
GRNTI 39.01 Общие вопросы географии
OKSO 05.03.02 География
BBK 268 Географические науки
TBK 6342 Физическая география
The article summarizes the data on potentially dangerous exogenous processes characteristic of the Russian Far East south. General trends in the development of exogenous processes here are determined by the geological and geomorphological structure and specificity of the monsoon climate. Mountain structures in this area are currently in a stage of uplift, where, in general, denudation processes prevail over accumulation, lowland areas experience a general immersion and intensively accumulate sedimentary material. The monsoon nature of climate determines a pronounced seasonality in precipitation and, as a consequence, an increased intensity of a number of exogenous processes (waterlogging, waterlogging, river erosion). The paper presents the characteristics and extent of the environmental impact of such phenomena as: waterlogging, weathering, river and gully erosion, thermokarst, aeolian processes, and ice. Based on field observations, an assessment of the intensity and direction of the processes of erosion, accumulation and denudation is given.
exogenous processes, erosion, river erosion, ice phenomena, gully erosion, floodplain-channel complex
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