Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Research objects are band saws for cutting lumber. Purpose is to determine the optimal operating parameters for extended spring-tongue directing for narrow band saws. The study was carried out theoretical calculation values of lift depending on various conditions of directing. As a result, it was determined that the directing structure for narrow band saws ensures proper operation under selected conditions. Basic design and technical performance indicators: sawing accuracy, quality lumber, durability of band saws.

band saw, spring-tongue directing, lift, durability, cutting precision, quality

В настоящее время в лесопильном и деревообрабатывающем  производстве широко применяются ленточнопильные станки. Для повышения показателей качества пиления древесины требуется увеличивать жесткость и устойчивость пилы во время работы.


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