Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article describes a new species of forest seeding machine based on motorcycle. Object of study in this case is an experimental model of the sowing unit adapted to motorcycle ZiD-50-01. The aim of the research was testing an experimental sample under actual operating conditions, and check the possibility of using motorcycle in reforestation . The objectives were to metering fuel to reference site and link it to 1 ha, as well as carrying out seeding for subsequent evaluation of germination.

reforestation, forest sowing machine, motorcycle in reforestation, sowing unit, testing an experimental sample

Эксперимент был проведен на трех участках выделенных архангельским лесничеством. Все три участка имеют дренированные супесчаные почвы.


1. Yakimov, V.A. Obosnovanie kompleksa tekhnicheskikh i tekhnologicheskikh kharakteristik malogabaritnykh agregatov dlya lesovosstanovleniya: dis.... kand. tekhn. nauk [Tekst]/ V.A. Yakimov. - Arkhangel´sk. -2013.-95 s.

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