Russian Federation
from 01.01.1990 until now
Ufa, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1991 until now
Ufa, Russian Federation
The article is dedicated to allusions’ culturological markedness, whose culturological component is connected to military background. The aim of the article is to show allusions’ cultural potential, whose opportunity to explicate historical information has the link with military background. J. Fowles’ literary discourse contains a large number of allusions — 2341 contextual units, among them 111 contextual units have military source. The discourse has examples of allusions, reflecting confrontation taking place in different historic moments, such as ancient, middle-aged and present events. The content of culturological component correlates with civilizational, social or mode spheres of culture (according to S.V. Ivanova). The defined aim demands the solution of the following tasks:1) the revealing of culturological markedness sources that the analysed military background examples possess; 2) the characteristics of emotional, informational allusions’ burden; 3) the culturological component reference that has different culture spheres location.
allusion, culturological component, word, notion, referent, discourse, spheres of culture.
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