As the result of the monitoring of the Klokovsky stream in s. Plekhanovo of Tula region in the sewage water of "Tulaelectroprivod" the individual living organisms (unicellular green algae and protozoa) were detected. The biological researches allow to revealing the a-mesosaprobic level of organic pollution of surface waters and sediments. The chemical analysis didn´t found inorganic pollutants, in particular heavy metals. Based on biotesting, the acute toxicity of surface water and sediments of the Klokovsky stream and fecal waters was found, caused by the presence of organic substances which are not detected by chemical methods. The research has shown that the surface water in the studied water flow is highly polluted and highly toxic. This ecosystem of the stream is close to destruction, as the trophic links and mechanisms of self-purification are disturbed. The atypical accumulation of organic matter is observed and there are a large number of bacteria, including pathogenic to humans. Thus, the Klokovsky stream and its coastal zone represent an area of intense ecological environment which may influence on human health. The danger is in contact with pathogenic microorganisms and organic substances in garden crops with irrigation water from this stream. There is a threat of the use in food of fish caught in the mouth areas of this watercourse. The consequences of such anthropogenic impacts affect the quality of drinking water. There is the possibility of contamination of the aquifer surface water streams by filtering them through the alluvial deposits of riverbed.
bio-indication, saprobic index, α-mesosaprobic level of organic pollution, biological testing, acute toxicity, adverse effects, technogenic zones, pollutants
Введение. Существенная часть России подвергается техногенным преобразованиям, что влечет за собой в зависимости от степени развития отдельных экологических проблем появление зон чрезвычайной экологической ситуации и экологического бедствия, а также территорий с напряженной экологической обстановкой [7].
Исходя из этого, экологическая оценка состояния окружающей среды под воздействием промышленных предприятий позволяет выделять неблагополучные с экологической точки зрения территории, опасные для здоровья человека, а также разрабатывать мероприятия экологической реконструкции таких экосистем с целью экологической безопасности и экореабилитации населения [7].
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